The Instrumental Music Program gives selected students the opportunity to learn a musical
instrument in a group environment, and provides orchestra / band experience for
these students to develop their performance skills. Each week, students
participate in a 30-minute group lesson during the school day, and a large
ensemble which rehearses before or after school time.
follows the Instrumental Music Curriculum from the Queensland Government, Department of
Education and Training, and progress
reports are issued to parents/ caregivers at the end of each semester.
enrolment, students and parents are required to commit to the Instrumental
Music Program throughout their time at MacGregor. Students are not permitted to
quit the program.
in the program pay an annual Performing Arts Contribution. Students in the
Performing Arts Program are required to wear the school performance uniform
(available at the tuckshop) at all performances.
Our String Orchestras and Concert Bands at
MacGregor maintain an extremely high standard of performance and consistently
do very well at competitions and eisteddfods. The teaching staff who direct these ensembles are professional
performers in their own right and bring to these ensembles a wealth of
experience and discipline which benefits our students immeasurably.
The String Program (violin, cello, double bass) commences for students in year 3 and the Band program (woodwind, Brass and Percussion) commences for students in Year 4. Selection for these programs begins in October of the year prior to starting learning (Year 2 for strings and Year 3 for band). The selection process is a collaborative judgement made by school teaching staff, and approved by the Principal. Not all students who apply will be offered placement, as the number of students within the program is restricted.
- Students will sit a listening test in their classroom music lesson in Year 2 and Year 3.
- Students are invited to the parent information evening, where students will choose their instrument preferences.
- Students will be tested on instruments, to determine which ones suits them physically and offered a place if suitable.
From Grade 3: Strings Program - Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass
From Grade 4: Band Program – Brass, Woodwind and Percussion
- Lessons are given in groups no fewer than 2, no more than 10
- Are grouped according to instrument and ability
- Lessons are 30mins in duration and occur during the school day on a rotational basis
- Weekly home practice ensures positive progression
All students also participate in a weekly ensemble rehearsal before or after school.
String Ensembles:
- Junior Strings (for beginning players in year 3)
- Intermediate Strings (for players in their second year of learning)
- Senior Strings (selection by audition, for students from year 3 to year 6)
- MacGregor Strings (the school's premiere ensemble; selection by audition, for students from year 3 to year 6)
- Various Small Ensembles – Camerata Chamber Orchestra, String Quartet, Violin Ensemble and Cello Ensemble (for selected students in the Enrichment Program)
There are 3 concert bands at MacGregor and it is compulsory for every student in the band program to participate in one of these large ensembles.
- Wind Symphony (Senior) - Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30am - Hall
- Wind Ensemble (Intermediate) - Wednesday 3:15 - 4:00pm - Hall
- Concert Band (Beginner) - Wednesday 3:15 - 4:00pm from Term 2 - Music Room
* Please note: graduation into a higher ensemble doesn't happen automatically and students will only advance when they have proved their commitment and dedication to the band program.
Stage Band – extension
Stage Band is an additional ensemble that plays Jazz, Rock and Blues music for the following instruments:
Instrumentation –Alto, Tenor and Baritone Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar/ Double Bass, Drum Kit.
- Rehearsal: Monday 1:30 - 3:00pm - Music Room
Percussion Ensemble - extension
Percussion Ensemble is an additional ensemble for very advanced percussionists.
Instrumentation – Marimba, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Timpani, Congas, Gong, + all untuned Percussion.
- Rehearsals: Monday 3:15 - 4:00pm – Music Room
Festivals, Workshops and Extension
- FANFARE Regional Finals 2018 & 2022 (Camerata, Wind Symphony, Stage Band & Percussion Ensemble)
- MusicFest Platinum Winners 2018, 2019
- Coolum SHS – Stage Band Workshop 2018
- Percussion Ensemble – Jeff Jarrot 2018
- World Music Workshop – Pongsapon - 2019
- Coolum SHS – Percussion Workshop 2019
- SHEP Primary School – 2019
- SHEP Middle School – 2018, 2019
- SHEP Senior School – 2019
- Beginner Band Workshop – 2017, 2018, 2019
- Brass Soiree – 2017, 2018, 2019
- Musical Band – 2019
- Dance Collaboration and performance

There are 3 concert bands at MacGregor and it is compulsory for every student in the band program to participate in one of these large ensembles.
· Wind Symphony (Senior) - Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30am - Hall
· Wind Ensemble (Intermediate) - Wednesday 3:15 - 4:00pm - Hall
· Concert Band (Beginner) - Wednesday 3:15 - 4:00pm from Term 2 - Music Room
* Please note: graduation into a higher ensemble doesn't happen automatically and students will only advance when they have proved their commitment and dedication to the band program.
Stage Band – extension
Stage Band is an additional ensemble that plays Jazz, Rock and Blues music for the following instruments:
Instrumentation –Alto, Tenor and Baritone Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar/ Double Bass, Drum Kit.
· Rehearsal: Monday 1:30 - 3:00pm - Music Room
Percussion Ensemble - extension
Percussion Ensemble is an additional ensemble for very advanced percussionists.
Instrumentation – Marimba, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Timpani, Congas, Gong, + all untuned Percussion.
· Rehearsals: Monday 3:15 - 4:00pm – Music Room
Prep Band
JAM (Junior Aspiring Musicians) Band begins in grade 3, offering students the ability to explore instrument families, compose, improvise and perform. This establishes a pathway for grade 4 students whom wish to study a band instrument.
Grade 3: Prep Band
- All Grade 2 students are able to apply, with a cap at 60 students.
Grade 3: Prep Band
- A year-long extension program, with an emphasis on percussive instruments.
- Pathway into Band Program (from Grade 4)
- Lessons have a maximum 20 students per class
- Lessons are 30mins in duration and occur during the school day (Friday)
- Weekly home practice ensures positive progression