Sporting programs
Physical education programs in Term 1 and 4 are focused on swimming in the school's heated pool. These lessons allow for 'learn to swim' in Year 1, and stroke improvement and lifesaving skills from Years 2 to 7.
A Swimming Club exists within the school. Learn to swim classes and training sessions are offered before and after school.
House system
Children are allocated to one of four houses.
House names have been chosen from Scottish Clan names, and in the case of each house the spelling of the Clan has been retained. The colour associated with each house has been derived from the predominant colour in the Clan tartan.
Houses compete at both the whole school and year level for sporting achievement. The four houses are:
- MacQuarrie, Red
- MacArthur, Green
- MacKenzie, Blue
- MacLeod, Yellow

Inter-school sport
MacGregor is a member of Mt Gravatt District School Sport and participates in regular inter-school sport competitions each semester.
- Semester One
- Soccer
- Netball
- Rugby League
- Girls Touch Football
- Semester Two
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Boys Touch Football
All children in Years 4, 5 and 6 are eligible to play in the inter-school sport program (Note: there is a cost involved in this program). The school endorses the Department of Education's Gender Equity in Sport Policy and supports the selection of girls, on the basis of merit, in traditionally boys' sports and vice versa.

Representative School Sport
Through both the Mt Gravatt and Metropolitan East School Sport Programs, students at MacGregor have an opportunity to undertake a representative pathway in a range of sports.
Below is the Pathway for Representative Sport:
Selected to represent MacGregor at a District Trial
Selection in a Mt Gravatt District School Sport Team

Selection in a Metropolitan East School Sport Team

Selection in a Queensland School Sport Team

Participation in a National Championship/National Exchange
The sports available for students to participate in the representative program include
(Note: there is a cost involved in this program which are set by the respective sporting committee's):
Australian Football (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Australian Football (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Basketball (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Basketball (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Cricket (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Cricket (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Football (Boys 12 years & Under) Football (Girls 12 years & Under)
Hockey (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Hockey (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Netball (Girls/Boys 11 yrs & Under) Netball (Girls/Boys 12 yrs & Under)
Rugby League (Boys/Girls 11 yrs & Under) Rugby League (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Rugby League (Boys/Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Rugby Union (Boys/Girls 12yrs & Under)
Softball (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Softball (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Tennis (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Tennis (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Touch (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Touch (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Aquathlon (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Aquathlon (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Cross Country (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Cross Country (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Swimming (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Swimming (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Track & Field (Boys 12 yrs & Under) Track & Field (Girls 12 yrs & Under)
Our school offers Sporting Excellence and Development programs.
For full details of our Sports Excellence and Development programs, please see our Physical Education teacher.