At Macgregor State School we recognise the potential that community relationships hold in improving the quality of a child's education. The school community that we have been building since 1972 has become, to many students and their families, a second family who harvest our strengths, embrace our differences and overcome challenges together.
Our goal is to extend the Macgregor family to our wider local community to foster stronger academic and co-curricular opportunities for our students, while additionally providing benefits to local organisations. School sponsorship will not only provide marketing opportunities for your business but also strengthen your relationship with other affiliates that belong to the Macgregor State School community.
For more information on sponsorship at the school level, please see our Sponsorship Proposal.pdf detailing the benefits and available packages.
Our Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Ray White Sunnybank Hills - Eric Li Real Estate Group
Ray White Sunnybank Hills is an outstanding team of record breakers led by Ray White Chairman Elite Business Leader Eric Li, a master in understanding the local Asian market and its unique culture.
You are guaranteed only the best personal service experience when you work with the team at Ray White Sunnybank Hills. This rapidly growing group of experienced and passionate staff are the exciting faces of what is widely regarded as the most dominant and successful real estate business in the area.
Eric Li 地产团队,是Ray White集团在昆士兰州唯一由华人拥有品牌使用权的公司, 真正为华人业主们服务的地产公司。 Eric Li布里斯班华人区最高销售纪录保持者。
More information about Ray White Sunnybank Hills can be found Here.