Dear MacGregor State School Families,

My name is Mustafizur “Happy" Rahman, and I am privileged to introduce myself as the Chair of MacGregor State School (MSS) Council for 2023-2024. I am passionate about the enrichment of our school community and committed to ensure that school council fulfils its role and function as appropriate. Together, in collaboration with the school principal, council members, and the governing association; we will endeavour to deliver our vision, mission, and core purposes for MSS, a vibrant and diverse school with strong community bonds.
My son is in Year One, and I have observed significant developments in his learning, listening, posture, behaviour, discipline, and other extracurricular achievements since Prep. I am humbled and very grateful to all the class teachers, teacher aides, librarian, leadership group, P&C, managerial support team and last but not the least the office staff. Without your immense dedication and commitment our students wouldn't have achieved their inner potentials. Not only through the textbook materials, but also through the school curriculum. Teaching and learning is enriched with e-learning, public speaking, music, dance, sports, swimming, and many more that provides the utmost pleasure in the students' education program.
As a chair of MSS School Council, my goal is to ensure that the council provides the strategic and financial directions to a unique and stimulating educational environment for our students. We will develop a tactical framework to provide ongoing support and demonstrate our achievements within our community. To do this it requires teamwork and I request your constructive feedback and suggestions to strengthen our school.
Please send me your valuable inputs at
and I will take necessary steps to highlight them in the school council forum.
Thanks for your continuous support.
Mustafizur “Happy” Rahman
Macgregor State School Council
